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Dec 29, 2019

In The Wild: Kara Ladd

Kara is ethereal. Founder of Boundless By Kara, she is a cancer survivor with a passion for sustainable living for the fashion-forward + fast-paced. Go in the wild with Kara at Hearst Tower and her Studio Tote Medium Nylon Gold Hardware.

+ What's your mantra?
Be in the here and now.

+ What's something about you most people don't know?
I lived in London right after college.

+ 3 things that in your Caraa bag that sum you up:
1. My BKR water bottle – I'm a huge proponent of staying hydrated because I love coffee.
2. My ILIA multi-stick – it's so great for day-to-night looks!
3. My MacBook – I love switching up my work environment.

 + What activist cause are you fully behind right now?

I am a proud synovial sarcoma cancer survivor so any philanthropic cancer organization, but most importantly, The Sarcoma Foundation of America.

+ What are you currently watching?
Re-watching Friends all the way through!

+ Favorite long weekend destination?

Boulder, CO – my family lives on top of a mountain and there is nothing more tranquil than a morning of mediation and yoga surrounded by nature.

+ Where in the city do you like to treat yourself?
Sundays non-toxic nail studio (I adore their meditation manicures) and CAP Beauty's spa for facials.

+ Where are you at noon on a Sunday?

+ Best smoothie in NYC?
Juice Generation

+ Best healthy eating hack?
Almond milk and Tone It Up's chocolate protein is one must delicious, protein-packed, sugar-free dessert!

+ Do you believe in cheat days?
Absolutely! You need them.

+ What's your go-to exercise?

+ What's your best advice on exercise + health?
Listen to your body and strive for balance.

Studio Tote Nylon Medium Gold Hardware

Kara Ladd
Instagram: @boundlessbykara


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