+ What's your mantra?
Fear + faith cannot coexist.
+ What's something about you most people don't know?
I was a Radio City Rockette!
+ What activist cause are you fully behind right now?
Black Lives Matter.
+ 3 things that are always in your Caraa bag:
Deodorant, headphones, and gum.
+ What are you watching right now?
FRIENDS (clap x4)
+ What is your signature motivation call to push your students to go the extra mile?
"Did you die?"
+ Favorite workout in NYC other than your own?
Dance class.
+ Best healthy eating hack?
Beans y'all.
+ Do you believe in cheat days?
Absolutely. Eat in moderation!
+ What do you eat when you wanna indulge?
French fries #basic
Studio Bag Large Gold Hardware
Bree Branker