+ What is your mantra?
Keep going. Keep going. Keep going.
+ What are you currently watching?
My dog sleeping on my Caraa bag ... he thinks the Cloud Collection was made for him!
+ 3 things that are always in your Caraa bag:
Phone charger – stay connected
Planner – yes I write out everything like a grandma
Essential oils – lavender/ vetiver mix is my fave!

+ What activist cause are you fully behind right now?
Women's Equality. I don't need a wage gap the same way I don't need a thigh gap.
+ Where are you at noon on a Sunday?
Leaving my house to meet friends.
+ Best healthy eating hack?
Count ingredients, not calories.
+ Favorite coffee in NYC?
My Way Cup. It's a little spot on 23rd and Park.

+ What is your favorite work out right now?
the be.come project!!
+ What is your signature motivation call to push your students to go the extra mile?
Say "I can do it" three times quick.
+ What is your number one advice on exercise + health?
Tell your body you love it every day. We tend to treat things we love very well.


Studio Bag Small Vaqueta Blush
Bethany C Meyers