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Nov 01, 2019

In The Wild: Bethany C Meyers

Bethany C Meyers is one of a kind. Former master instructor at SLT, she now runs the be.come project, a body-neutral boutique fitness experience accessible from anywhere. In her down time she is an advocate for gender equality and her pooch Papa. Go in the wild with Bethany in the Flatiron District and her Studio Bag Vaqueta Blush Small
+ What is your mantra?
Keep going. Keep going. Keep going.

+ What are you currently watching?
My dog sleeping on my Caraa bag ... he thinks the Cloud Collection was made for him!

+ 3 things that are always in your Caraa bag:
Phone charger – stay connected
Planner – yes I write out everything like a grandma
Essential oils – lavender/ vetiver mix is my fave!



+ What activist cause are you fully behind right now?
Women's  Equality. I don't need a wage gap the same way I don't need a thigh gap.

+ Where are you at noon on a Sunday?
Leaving my house to meet friends.

+ Best healthy eating hack?
Count ingredients, not calories.

+ Favorite coffee in NYC?
My Way Cup. It's a little spot on 23rd and Park.


+ What is your favorite work out right now?
the be.come project!!

+ What is your signature motivation call to push your students to go the extra mile?
Say "I can do it" three times quick.

+ What is your number one advice on exercise + health?
Tell your body you love it every day. We tend to treat things we love very well.



Studio Bag Small Vaqueta Blush

Bethany C Meyers
Created with Sketch.